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Stuart Reed


Objective: “Expanding my experience and talent.”


Variety of Skills: 

  • Auto Repair: Diagnosis, brakes, cooling systems and drive-trains

  • Computer repair experience: Tablets and P.C. and other hardware

  • Multiple computer program experience: Word, PowerPoint, Excel

  • Videography-Adobe Creative Suite: Audition, Premier, Illustrator, Photoshop

  • Customer Service: Cashier, Bellman, Answering Phones, Sales

  • Freeware: Gnu Image Manipulation Program (GIMP), Inkscape


Education: Madison College: Madison Wisconsin- Truax, Downtown, and Portage Wisconsin.

  Classes: Taken:

  • Visual Communications program.

  • Visual Communications degree May 2019

  • Dean’s List spring 2017 and fall 2018

   Additional Classes:

  • IT-Systems Administration Specialist program.

  • Animation Program.

Currently: Proprietor of SIReed Enterprises LLC, Columbus/Oxford, Wisconsin

             A videography, computers, electronics repair and maintenance company.

2019 SIReed Enterprises LLC

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